Another way to see what jitter does to our receptive field
signals is shown in the animation below. I am sorry for the poor
quality. However you can see that the edge information is maintained
clearly even if it is not constant. It appears fairly sharp but does seam
to jitter by a single receptive field occasionally. The parameters are: inhibitory size to
central area is a ratio of 3 to 1. The tremor is with a radius of 3
receptors. The movement is random in direction from one frame to the next.
One question this animation begs is whether firing rate is the
best measure of a cells activity. In some sense, with the way action
potentials and summation work, it is may be the actually number of action
potentials generated and not some average value. At this point, there is
no way to test with way to measure cell activity is better.
Another feature to examine about these ganglion cells is how
selective they are to the size of the incoming stimulus. Each cell ought
to give some information about the size and the spatial frequency composition of
the incoming stimulus. This feature is sometimes called the cells spatial
You can examine the spatial selectivity of
these cells.